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REALTORS: 3 Facebook posts real estate prospects can’t resist

If you don’t go where the people are, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage before you even get startedKey Takeaways Combine Facebook ad targeting and organic actions to yield massive results. Take advantage of video to build a deeper, more lasting connection with your audience.You already know that Facebook is the most effective tool for getting leads flowing into your business.But what’s working right now? We checked in with three age

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REALTORS: Create Engaging Campaigns on Instagram

Whether it's promoting images you've published on your account or creating video ads up to a minute long, Instagram is becoming marketers' social media platform of choice due to the sheer simplicity of being able to put beautiful content in front of a targeted and engaged audience.Instagram is visually focused and mobile first and offers 60 times the advertising rate of return than Facebook, and 120 percent more user interactions than Twitter, ac

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REALTORS: Are real estate agents scared of their own success?

The most productive activities in real estate are the ones that require the most braveryKey Takeaways Many time-consuming tasks can be delegated. Some agents fear what lies at the end of a successfully leveraged business.Experienced real estate agents will tell you that they are far better at some activities in their daily work than they are at others.Many will readily admit that they can pinpoint exactly which activities net them the most reward

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REALTORS: Turning Setbacks into Success

In every person’s career, there are pivotal moments that stand out. These experiences can range from landing your dream internship to being made partner at a firm, and each holds its own set of lessons. However, I’d argue that the setbacks and failures we experience shape us equally as much as our successes. We are defined by our failures, the lessons we choose to learn, and how close we stay to the pulse of change in order to keep up with ma

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REALTORS: 8 tips and tricks for getting listings

Being successful is about making things happen and serving your clients’ needsKey Takeaways The most simple mistakes most real estate agents make is not staying diligent, not getting out of their comfort zone and being afraid to ask for listings with that in mind.The biggest problem that new real estate agents face is getting listings. Getting sellers to list with you instead of buyers to list with you guarantees you get a commission if the pro

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REALTORS: 7 reasons real estate investing is agents’ perfect path to wealth

We are uniquely positioned to succeed as an investor and already have the most important pieces of the puzzleKey Takeaways Real estate investing is a beneficial way for real estate agents to prepare for retirement and make extra money.Most real estate agents believe that fix-and-flip investing is too risky: the long holding times, all the things that can go wrong, budgets overruns, etc.And then there’s the hassle of getting someone to manage th

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Welcome to the Team Ann Herr out of Orange County, CA!

About AnnAnn has a passion for teaching children art and keeping it alive in the minds of the community. She has many years of experience working with her hands as a carpenter and contractor. Her love for art and children is what drove her to start the non-profit Create To Learn.Visit her nonprofit's website at: currently deals throughout the states of California and Texas with new offices in New York and Florida. We co

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REALTORS: 3 secrets to winning more real estate listings

Key Takeaways Market knowledge, rapport building and overall presentation will make or break listing conversions.“I’ll take a buyer over a seller every day,” said the young, verbose agent who had been in the business about a year longer than I had.This was back in 2006, and he had just won an award at the sales meeting for closing the most deals. I asked him later why he felt this way.To him, seller clients were demanding, the conversations

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REALTORS: How long does it take for newbies to get started?

Be patient -- this doesn't happen over nightKey Takeaways New agents have a long road to setting up their career, but setting up their spheres, absorbing all they can learn and finding a good mentor are all things that will help.When I sit down with new agents for training and we start delving into the “meat and potatoes” of getting their business set up, almost every single person is extremely disappointed when I tell them it could take them

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REALTORS: Your one-dollar pricing mistake just cost your sellers thousands

Most agents continue to use the same pricing approaches that the industry did 50 years agoKey Takeaways People searching for homes priced at $500,000 to $550,000 will never see your $499,999 listing.The rules of pricing properties are changing, yet most agents continue to use the same pricing approaches that the industry did 50 years ago. Are you making this costly mistake on your listings?A constant topic of conversation on my company’s group

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