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REALTORS: 5 Steps to Break Unsafe Work Habits

What would you be willing to do in order to keep a real estate transaction from falling through? Would you literally put your life on the line to save a deal?Ask any agent or broker, and the answer likely will be an easy “no.” But according to real estate safety instructor Cheryl Knowlton, president of Elite Edge Real Estate Training, practitioners most commonly cite fear of losing the deal as the reason they don’t follow safety protocols o

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Americans’ Ideal Home

A waterfront home in the suburbs that has nearly 5,000 square feet and a one-story ranch may be at the top of American consumers’ real estate wishlists, according to findings from a survey of more than 600 Americans and Europeans about their ideal home designs, amenities, and locations.Forty-five percent of Americans surveyed say if they could get their top choice they’d have a waterfront view, whether that’s a lakefront or ocean

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Court Strikes Down Laws Making Homelessness Illegal

Striking down a growth of ordinances in municipalities across the country attempting to make homelessness illegal, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that it’s not a crime to sleep outside on city streets when not enough shelters are available. Several cities had been fining or arresting people who slept on city sidewalks or in parks. In the decision, the court defines such legal action as “cruel and unusual punishment” and said it

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In Detroit, 87% of Buyers Pay Cash

Low home prices along with affluent buyers, more investors, and those wanting to bypass appraisals are prompting all-cash transactions to surge in Detroit. Eighty-seven percent of all single-family home and condo purchases in the city during the first half of 2018 were cash deals compared to 28 percent nationwide, according to ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate data firm. “The city of Detroit has an absurdly low share of financed home purchase

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Top Towns for an ‘Affordable’ Retirement

Get ready for a flood of retirees. With 74 million members, baby boomers are the largest generation on record to retire. And if they follow previous generations, retirement will prompt them to want to move. Many will head to warmer climates, but they’re also—unlike previous generations—in search of more active lifestyles too, looking for social and recreational opportunities, nearby restaurants, and shopping.“It’s going to be a tsunami

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REALTORS: 4 Rules for Creating Real Estate Signs That Sell

Real estate signs say more about you and your residential or commercial business than they do about the properties you’re advertising. That’s why Katie Lundin, a customer support specialist with crowdspring, a marketplace for crowdsourced logo, web, graphic, and product design, has four best practices for creating custom real estate signs that raise awareness about your brand and start a conversation with your potential clients.1. Real estat

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Home Prices Are Climbing Three Times Faster Than Rents

The jump in home prices has prompted the cost of homeownership to outpace that of renting in more places across the country. The monthly costs of owning a home have increased by 14 percent over the past year—more than three times the 4 percent increase in monthly rental costs, according to a new analysis by®.Only 41 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a county where a median-income household can afford to buy a home at the

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Judge Orders Aid Cutoff to Hurricane Maria Victims

A federal judge ruled on Thursday that federal aid to house more than 1,000 Puerto Rican families who fled to the mainland U.S. after Hurricane Maria must end in two weeks. The families have been living in U.S.-funded housing in hotels and motels across the country since leaving Puerto Rico following the storm September 20, 2017. Hurricane Maria caused massive destruction to the island, killing nearly 3,000 people, destroying homes and businesses

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Community Searches for Missing Texas Real Estate Agent

Police continue to investigate the disappearance of a 28-year-old real estate professional in Killeen, Texas, who has been missing since Sunday. Christopher Alley Lee is a sales associate with Gold Medal Realty and was last heard from with a text at around 5:13 a.m. Sunday, according to reports. He was last seen by his roommate when he left in a silver SUV on Sunday.Christopher Alley LeeHis keys, glasses, wallet, and cellphone were found later in

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First-Time Buyers Have Bought 985K Homes This Year

Home sales may be slowing overall, but not among first-time home buyers, according to a new report. Genworth Mortgage Insurance culled all publicly available government and proprietary mortgage industry data to see how this segment of buyers is faring in the housing market. In the first half of the year, first-time buyers purchased 985,000 single-family homes, the most during the first six months of a year since 2005, according to Genworth’s F

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